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2021-01-11 17:24|编辑: 梁老师|阅读: 10941



2021年1月8日,山东省2021年高考英语听力考试正式举行。本次考试考生有两次机会,两次听力考试间隔约20分钟,考试时间为9: 00开始,11:00前结束。考试成绩取两次中的高分计入外语科目成绩。为方便大家了解听力考试试题难度及出处,自主选拔在线团队收集整理山东省2021年高考外语听力考试第一次考试试题。






Text 7  88  表达歉意

M:Hello, Sophia!

W:Simon, I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have said nothing and left the partysuddenly. You know, I was in such a hurry that I nearly knocked over the tablewith glasses of wine.

M:Oh, forget it. Jashar told me your dad had an accident. How is he now?

W:Much better. He hurt his knee in his office and he’s now at home. He will havehis last appointment with the doctor next Monday. I guess he’ll be able to getback to work soon.

Text8  120  朋友偶遇

W:Hi Jim. How are you?

M:Hi Tracy. Whyare you carrying so much books? Do you need any help?

W:No, thanks. I’m going to the library to return them. It’s not far away. I’vejust finished my term paper for my world history class. How are you doing?

M:Not bad. Very busy, though. I just got off work. I’m about to get something toeat.

W:I hear you’ve changed your job. Where are you working now?

M:ABC Company as a computer programmer. It’s a good job but a bit difficult forme now. It requires a lot of work.

W:Well, I’m sure you can manage. Now I’d better let you go get some food.

M:Yeah. It’s great seeing you again.

Text9  186  采访知名艺术家

W:Good evening. This is Meeting Artisits. Our guest today is James Patric Commb,the happy artist. Mr. Commb is famous for his colorful murals that is picturespainted on the world. Welcome Happy. Our audience is curious about how you gotyour name.

M:My initials are JP. In Spanish, they’re pronounced “jota pe”. And my Mexicanfriends called me so when we were inMexico.

W:What inspired you to become an artist?

M:My father was an oil painting artisit. He used to work in the living room. Oneday when I was six, I put some paint and wanna his painting when he was out.First, he was mad. Then he left. That was all it took to make me an artist.

W:How do you describe your work?

M:My work speaks to the five-year olds in all of us that we become experiencedwhen we grow up. We’re always five years old at heart. We all want to have fun.

W:That’s a unique idea, which is why your art is so special. Thank you very muchfor coming Happy and for bringing us so much happinness.

Text10  206  介绍英语训练项目

W:Good morning, welcome to the language center of our university. We aim at helpingpeople improve their language ability in several languages. Now our focus onone of our programs — the English training program, which I think you might beinterested in. The program offers year-round English courses in eight levelsfrom beginning to advanced. It offers a wide variety of courses for students,scholars, and professionals. Participants can prepare for study at an Americanuniversity, imporve their language skills and knowledge ofU.S.cultureneeded for their jobs. The strength of the program is its ability to offercourses that are specially designed to meet any student’s specific needs andgoals. More students in this program study full-time

which consists of twentyhours a week. On the first day of the program, you’ll take a test to determineyour level. At the end of each seven-weeksession, yourlanguage skills are evaluated. And if you’ve made enough progress, you’repromoted to the next level. In addition, you can enter the language centerbonus project, which will allow you to have extra English hours with a nativespeaker. For more practice chances, there are also several social activitiesand field trips organized by the Students Center.







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