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2021-01-11 17:32|编辑: 梁老师|阅读: 5316



2021年1月8日,山东省2021年高考英语听力考试正式举行。本次考试考生有两次机会,两次听力考试间隔约20分钟,考试时间为9: 00开始,11:00前结束。考试成绩取两次中的高分计入外语科目成绩。为方便大家了解听力考试试题难度及出处,自主选拔在线团队收集整理山东省2021年高考外语听力考试第二次考试试题。






Text 8  153  安排出差

W:Hey Mark. I’m putting you on a new project. You’ll have to go to California.

M:What should I do there?

W:You have to collect and interview the sales data from all the brand stores. Ifyou find something missing, work with the sales managers to give theinformation you need to complete the analysis.

M:Sounds like a lot of work.

W:It’s a pretty big project, so take someone with you. I think you can finish ina week if the two of you are working on it.

M:When should we start off?

W:You needn’t hurry so much. I will give you two days for preparations andpacking up.

M:Who should I get in touch with when I get there?

W:Lisa. I’ll email you the necessary information.

M:Who do you suggest should go with me?

W:Either Jack or Peter.

M:Let’s say Peter. He’s just finished his project and he is more experienced.

W:Great. Keep me updated.

Text9  197  采访摄影师在亚马逊的经历

W:Good evening, welcome to Around the Globe with Susan Davidson. Our guest todayis Charlie Hamilton, a photographer who spent a month and a half in the Amazon.He’s going to share with us the challenges and responsibilities of his work.Charlie, the Amazon people have rarely seen people from outside and you look sodifferent. How do you approach them?

M:That’s true. But if you spend enough time, you get to know them. Actually wecan laugh about the same things even if we can’t talk.

W:One of your pictures I really like shows the villagers and you together by ariver, laughing. There seems no barrier at all.

M:Indeed. That was only a couple of days after I went there. But everyone wasjust relaxed with me, we’re all having fun. In fact, what I like most iseveryone is laughing. Nowadays, we tend to show the unhappy side of people’slife in Amazon, the trees are being cut down, these people are sad. But what Iwant to show is they still have fun.

W:That’s really special point of you. Thank you for leading us get close to ourfellow beings around the globe.

Text10  229  通知出行变化

W:Hi, everyone. It is raining now. We have to give up our plans for a boat tripbelong the River Thames and walk along the South Bank. But the good news is westill have a huge selection of world-class museums. And many of them are freefor visitors. You know, theUK’scapital isn’t a bad place to spend the rainy day. So our rainy tour of the London’s museums todaystarts in the Science National History Museum of West London and finishes atthe National Gallery. We’ll start our museum tour in the heart of London, South Kensington.South Kensington is well-known for its oldbuildings, fantastic restaurants and many designer shops. But the real reasonvisitors flood here is for the chance to experience three of the city’s bestmuseums: Victoria and AlbertMuseum, the NationalHistory Museumand the Science Museum. All of them happen to be withinwalking distance from one another, so you won’t get wet. Today it

happens to be the lastThursday of the month, so we can enjoy free guided tours, talks and events atthe National History Museum.Remember, we have to leave there at 1:00 p.m. Finally, we’ll arrive at theNational Gallery. Its 1800s building own to over 2,000 works with art by famouspainters like Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh.







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